Ouigo trains in Spain

Low-cost trains in Spain

Offering long-distance and high-speed services. In Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Zaragoza, and Tarragona are all good places to go.

Low-cost trains in France

Offering long-distance and high-speed services, in France, you can travel to over 50 destinations, including Paris, Chartres, Dijon, Lyon, Bordeaux, and more.

Classic service onboard

Offering a basic travel experience for free, including more seats, same level of service and two carry-on items. Socket and other measures require an additional fee.
Ouigo trains in Italy

Ouigo Train Times and Prices

Top RoutesDurationPrice
Madrid to Barcelona3h 7mBuy tickets from £28.58
Barcelona to Madrid2h 45mBuy tickets from £22.73
Madrid to Valencia2h 4mBuy tickets from £9.00
Valencia to Madrid2h 2mBuy tickets from £9.00
Madrid to Seville2h 43mBuy tickets from £29.00

Ouigo Route Map

Ouigo Route Map

Ouigo is a French train company, providing long-distance, high-speed and low-cost services. In France, you can travel to over 60 destinations, including Paris, Chartres, Dijon, Lyon, Bordeaux, and more. In Spain, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Zaragoza, and Tarragona are all good places to go. Check our map to find more popular routes in Spain and France. Ouigo offers lower prices compared to Renfe and iryo trains.

Ouigo trains across Spain and France

Ouigo operates train services in both Spain and France. It offers affordable travel options for passengers, with a focus on budget-friendly fares. They provide a convenient way to travel between various cities in both countries.

High-speed trains, up to 186 mph (300 km/h)

1 classes: Estándar

Main routes:
Paris to Lyon
Paris to Lyon
Paris to Nantes
Paris to Nantes

Ouigo ticket types and classes

Only Estándar seating class (equivalent to Standard Class)

Nonrefundable and non-exchangeable

Must purchase in advance online

Only e-tickets sent via email

No buffet carriage onboard

Free to take two carry-on items

Additional luggage: €5 before the trip, €20 on board

Ouigo trains to attractions

Trains to Tarragona

Trains to Tarragona

Tarragona is a city located in the Catalonia region of northeastern Spain, while Camp de Tarragona and Estación de Tarragona Station offer access to the Tarragona Amphitheatre and Tarragona Cathedral.

Trains to Paris

Trains to Paris

Paris is the capital city of France, known for its iconic landmarks and cultural attractions. It is well-connected by train, with several major train stations offering connections to other cities, such as Paris Gare De Lyon.

Trains to Lyon

Trains to Lyon

Lyon is a city located in eastern France, known for its historical architecture and culinary scene. It is well-connected by train, with Lyon Part-Dieu and Lyon Perrache train stations serving as major transportation hubs.

Trains to Nantes

Trains to Nantes

Nantes is a city located in western France, known for its history, culture, and architecture. It is well-connected by train, with the Nantes train station serving as a major transportation hub.

More train travel information

Ouigo Strikes

After finally packing up my luggage and arriving at the station, I discovered that the train was suspended due to a strike?” TrainPal won't let you experience such a situation. Before heading out, take a look at our page: EU Rail Strikes.

Refund, change, and delay repayment

Ouigo tickets can only be purchased online in advance. Only e-tickets are available and will be sent via email. You can choose to print it out. They are nonrefundable and non-exchangeable. For assistance with delay compensation, please contact our customer service.


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