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Seamless rail travel with easy changes and refunds for peace of mind.
Split ticketing involves purchasing multiple tickets for a single journey, dividing it into sections with a separate ticket for each part.
Traveling from Station A to Station C can be cheaper by buying a ticket from A to B and another from B to C. This principle also applies to journeys with more than two stations.
For example, a ticket from Manchester to London typically costs £68.60. With split tickets, you can reduce this to £46.60, saving £22.00.
Generally, you won't have to get off the train, unless your journey includes a change of trains. But remember, the train must stop at the station where your tickets change. Please note the transfer station and time to avoid missing the train.
68% available Split tickets of total searched routes
20% averaged saving for ticket fares
£ 418.76 at most being saved on a journey
Buy Split Tickets on TrainPal and save 99% of the trouble. Using Split Tickets, you don't need to buy a separate ticket for each part like you do at the station. We sort out all the cheap Split ticket routes for you.
Enter your departure and destination
Choose your desired route
Make the payment
You'll receive the QR code ticket to display on the train for each leg of your journey.
If your split tickets include flexible fares (Anytime, Off-Peak, or Super Off-Peak), you can take different trains as long as they stop at the stations where your tickets 'split'. Be sure to check your ticket information carefully.
The same rules on Standard Tickets Delays & Compensation, Cancel & Refund also apply to Split Tickets. Please refer to the table below to check if you are eligible for changes or refunds. For more detailed information, please explore our ticket type webpage.
Ticket Type | Change | Refund |
Advance ticket | ||
Off-Peak ticket/Super Off-Peak ticket | (only valid on the date shown on the ticket) | |
Anytime ticket | ||
Season ticket | (also called changeover, at least 7 days remaining) | |
Flexi Season Tickets |
TrainPal's Split Tickets Finder identifies the cheapest split ticket routes and sets reminders for the best deals of the day. We also offer combinations of split tickets and other methods to buy cheap train tickets to help you save even more.
By splitting your journey into separate tickets, you can save money by taking advantage of how train fares work in the UK. The price of tickets in the UK depends on the train company, how long the journey is, and whether it's during peak or Off-Peak times.
The biggest savings for split tickets typically occur when peak times end and Off-Peak periods begin, such as after the morning and evening rush hours.
Flexible split ticketing can offer even cheaper options if you're open to changing trains during your journey.
No Extra Cost
Use trainpal exclusively now for booking train tickets - good clear information and split ticketing options included at no extra cost
Split Tickets Save me a lot
Splits the tickets for you..instead of you doing it yourself..I go from north to south a lot...usually saves me at least 50 pound a month
Always a Way to Save
Love this app use it daily there is always a way to save money split fares are great.
Really useful and so much cheaper
This app is such a useful tool if you travel lots as it is so much cheaper and so much more convenient than other services because of the split fares …
To make your train journey cheaper, consider using a train fare finder to compare prices and find the cheap train tickets. Additionally, booking in advance, travelling during Off-Peak times, and purchasing a Railcard for discounts are also good saving tips. Keep an eye out for promotions and special offers with our Cheap Train Ticket Finder. Save money on your train tickets and enjoy a more affordable journey.