Ticket and Refund Information
We know how frustrating this is, and we're going to do everything we can to help.Log into your account now, or click 'manage booking' in your confirmation email, to see if it's already possible to get a fee-free refund.
Advance tickets
- If you've booked with us and your train is cancelled or rescheduled, you can get a free refund online.
- If trains are still running on strike days but you choose to cancel your journey, you may have to pay an administration fee. Watch for train change alerts in the TrainPal App.
- If the system does not confirm changes to your train journey, please contact our customer support for assistance with your refund.
Flexible tickets
- If your train is unaffected by the strike but you change your plans, you can reschedule your journey or cancel it(but may have to pay an administration fee).