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How to book cheap train tickets to Kerhuon (Brest)

Use TrainPal

Use TrainPal

Train Journey Planner offers cheap train tickets with clear route details, including price, time, and company. Labels highlight the best options. Save more with discount codes
TGV Prem's ticket from €15

TGV Prem's ticket from €15

Prem's tickets offer the most affordable TGV fares, starting at €15 and available up to 4 months in advance.
Save 35% on TGV advance bookings

Save 35% on TGV advance bookings

Save up to 35% on TGV INOUI Second Class tickets when booked 3 months in advance.
INTERCITÉS night trains

INTERCITÉS night trains

Enjoy budget-friendly, practical, and comfortable journeys on INTERCITÉS night trains. Discover the Alps, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, Occitanie, the Pyrenees, and the Basque Coast in the summer.
30% off with TGV INOUI Carte Avantage

30% off with TGV INOUI Carte Avantage

The TGV INOUI Carte Avantage provides 30% discounts for ages 12-27, 27-59, and 60+, for just €49 per year.
Affordable TER Discount Cards and Season Tickets

Affordable TER Discount Cards and Season Tickets

TER discount cards make regional travel affordable, valid for one year, and priced between €20 and €30. Season tickets offer savings for frequent and regular regional journeys.