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How to book cheap train tickets to Nottuln-Appelhülsen

Use TrainPal

Use TrainPal

Discover the cheapest train tickets with TrainPal. Compare second and first-class prices, and use our journey planner for the best deals. Save more with discount codes.
Super Saver from €17.99

Super Saver from €17.99

Super Saver tickets begin at €17.99 for second class and €23.99 for first class.
Book early for ICE trains

Book early for ICE trains

Book German long-distance train tickets (IC, ICE, EC) early for lower prices, as they increase closer to the departure date.
Regional Day Ticket

Regional Day Ticket

Regional Day Ticket (Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket) offers unlimited regional travel in Germany for one day, from €46.
IC and ICE overnight trains

IC and ICE overnight trains

Explore Germany and neighbouring countries on IC and ICE overnight trains with super saver fares starting at €17.99 and saver fares from €21.99.
Group travel for 6+ people

Group travel for 6+ people

Group of six or more? DB offers super saver fares from €8.90, and European fares from €13.90 per person.