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What train destination information you can find out

Let’s book cheap train tickets on TrainPal to enjoy a journey through Germany’s culture and history! Everything you need can be found:

  • popular train destinations or routes
  • main train stations in a city or town
  • detailed information about stations
  • real-time train schedules

Explore more in Germany with our travel plans and let yourself go with us.

Plan your train journey with TrainPal

  • Germany Train Journey Planner
  • Popular train destinations in Germany

    Popular train destinations in Germany

    Use train destinations to discover popular places in Germany and discover affordable and convenient train routes. Start a new journey. Book now!

  • Cheap DB train tickets

    Cheap DB train tickets

    Buy DB train tickets six months in advance to enjoy discounts and save on travel expenses. Hurry and buy now!

  • Cheap ÖBB train tickets

    Cheap ÖBB train tickets

    Purchase cheap oBB train tickets and save even more with our discount code. Start planning your trip and buy now!

  • High-speed trains in Germany

    High-speed trains in Germany

    Travel quickly and efficiently by taking German high-speed trains such as Intercity-Express (ICE), the maximum speed can reach 330 km/h. Buy now!

  • Germany Regional trains

    Germany Regional trains

    Regional trains in Germany services cover short and medium-distance routes, like connecting Hamburg-Altona to Westerland (Sylt). Find regional trains now!

  • Germany airport trains

    Germany airport trains

    Germany airport trains to connect flights and trains, such as those at Frankfurt Airport, linking the airport with Berlin, Amsterdam, Vienna, and other destinations.

  • Germany international trains

    Germany international trains

    International trains in Germany connect France, Italy, Switzerland, and more, enabling comfortable and fast cross-border travel. Book now!

  • Germany Rail Pass

    Germany Rail Pass

    The German Rail Pass offers unlimited train travel in Germany and additional routes in Austria, Belgium, and Italy.

  • Interrail and Eurail Global Pass

    Interrail and Eurail Global Pass

    Interrail and Eurail Global Pass provide flexible, affordable travel for European and non-European travellers. Start your European adventure now!


How to buy cheap train tickets?

  • Use TrainPal

    Use TrainPal

    TrainPal offers the cheapest train tickets, listing second and first-class prices. Our journey planner finds the best prices for you, and discount codes add extra savings.
  • Super Saver from €17.99

    Super Saver from €17.99

    Second-class Super Saver fares start at €17.99, first class at €23.99.
  • Book early for ICE trains

    Book early for ICE trains

    Book German long-distance train tickets (IC, ICE, EC) early for lower prices, as they increase closer to the departure date.
  • Regional Day Ticket

    Regional Day Ticket

    Regional Day Ticket (Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket) starts at €46, offering unlimited rides on regional trains for one day.
  • IC and ICE overnight trains

    IC and ICE overnight trains

    Explore Germany and neighbouring countries on IC and ICE overnight trains with super saver fares starting at €17.99 and saver fares from €21.99.
  • Group travel for 6+ people

    Group travel for 6+ people

    Groups of six+ enjoy super saver fares in Germany from €8.90, and in Europe from €13.90 per person.