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Cheap trains tickets to Iserlohn
Cologne to Iserlohn
Frankfurt (Main) to Iserlohn
Dortmund Central Station to Iserlohn
How to book cheap train tickets to Iserlohn

Use TrainPal
Find affordable train tickets with TrainPal. We list second and first-class prices, and our journey planner secures the best deals. Use discount codes for extra savings.

Super Saver from €17.99
Super Saver tickets begin at €17.99 for second class and €23.99 for first class.

Book early for ICE trains
Book German long-distance train tickets (IC, ICE, EC) early for lower prices, as they increase closer to the departure date.

Regional Day Ticket
Regional Day Ticket (Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket) starts at €46, offering unlimited rides on regional trains for one day.

IC and ICE overnight trains
Discover destinations in Germany and neighbouring countries on IC and ICE overnight trains with super saver fares from €17.99 and saver fares from €21.99.

Group travel for 6+ people
Groups of six+ get super saver fares in Germany from €8.90, and in Europe from €13.90 per person.