Transport for Greater Manchester & TrainPal
About Transport for Greater Manchester
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) is the local authority responsible for implementing Greater Manchester's transport strategy and commitments. More than 5.6 million journeys are made every day on Greater Manchester's transport network. It is our responsibility to do all we can to ensure that the city region grows and develops. We work hard to make getting around Greater Manchester easier. What we do: We implement transport policies developed by the Mayor of Greater Manchester and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. We are responsible for investing your money to improve transport services and facilities to support the regional economy.
Transport for Greater Manchester Route Map
What can Transport for Greater Manchester offers
How to Get Cheap Transport for Greater Manchester tickets

Transport for Greater Manchester Train Classes
Standard Class
Transport for Greater Manchester Main Line
Hot Transport for Greater Manchester Destinations
Travelling with a Railcard
Travelling with Transport for Greater Manchester a few times a year? Get a Railcard and you'll save up to 1/3 on eligible journeys. Click on one of the Railcard types below to see the various eligibility requirements.