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How to book cheap train tickets to Medina Del Campo

Use TrainPal

Use TrainPal

Train Journey Planner offers cheap train tickets with clear route details, including price, time, and company. Labels highlight the best options. Save more with discount codes
AVE Básico tickets

AVE Básico tickets

As the cheapest of all AVE tickets, it’s non-refundable and non-changeable. However, you still enjoy our high-quality services, including comfortable seats, legroom, power sockets, and reading lights.
Avlo tickets from €7

Avlo tickets from €7

Starting at just €7, Avlo's Básica (Basic) tickets include free WiFi and power outlets on six major promotional routes. Remember to bring a valid ID and arrive at the station at least 30 minutes early.
Save 20% with Avant Return tickets

Save 20% with Avant Return tickets

Save 20% with Avant's Return tickets compared to buying separate ones. Both tickets are changeable. Cancellations have a minimum 15% fee while cancelling one ticket costs 40% of its price.
iryo Inicial fare

iryo Inicial fare

Travel comfortably with iryo Inicial fare, which includes leather seats and extra legroom. Tickets are refundable and changeable, but cannot be adjusted if you miss the train. Experience a luxurious and flexible journey with iryo.
OUIGO trains

OUIGO trains

Experience high-speed, low-cost travel with OUIGO's double-decker trains, ideal for trips from Madrid to Barcelona. You can carry two small pieces of luggage for free. Enjoy a fast and affordable journey with OUIGO.
40% off for children

40% off for children

Free travel for children up to age 3, and 40% off for those under 14. Tickets are changeable and refundable on AVE trains, but non-changeable on Avant trains.
8% off for Group Travel

8% off for Group Travel

Enjoy an 8% discount on the total price when travelling in a group of 4 to 9 people. Tickets are non-changeable but refundable, with fees ranging from 5% to 30% of the total price. Make the most of our group discount offer to save on your trip.