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Cheap trains tickets to Sesto Calende
Lodi to Sesto Calende
1h 31m
Parma to Sesto Calende
Campiglia Marittima to Sesto Calende
6h 25m
How to book cheap train tickets to Sesto Calende

50% off Same-Week Return
Enjoy savings on Same-Week Return journeys with Frecciarossa and Frecciargento trains: receive a 40% discount on Mondays and Fridays, and a 50% discount from Tuesday to Thursday.

Up to 60% off Same-Day Return
Save up to 60% on Same-Day Return trips across all Frecce trains (excluding Executive class).

40% off Weekend Return
Save 40% on Intercity daytime trains with Weekend Return fares. One change permitted per ticket, non-refundable.

FrecciaFAMILY Offer
FrecciaFAMILY offers kids under 15 free travel and adults 50% off the Base price on Frecce trains.

Bimbi Gratis: free travel for kids
Bimbi Gratis lets kids under 15 travel for free and offers adults a 40% discount on the Base price for Intercity trains.

Insieme: Up to 60% off Group Travel
Insieme offers groups of 3-5 up to 60% off the Base price on all Trenitalia trains.

Up to 50% off Family Travel
Family Night for 2-5 people, at least 1 adult and 1 child under 15, on Intercity Notte trains. Children get up to 50% off, others 20% off.